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PlasmaScan™ 380 Antibody Microarrays

Price: $1,107.00
Item Number: PS380
PlasmaScan™ 380 Antibody Microarrays, human plasma proteome discovery tool, monoclonals raised against native human serum plasma proteins, standard 25 x 76 mm glass substrate slide format, 6 microarrays per substrate, 6 microarrays per kit, Protein Microarray Activation Buffer (250 ml of 1X solution), Protein Microarray Wash Buffer (1000 ml of 1X solution), Protein Microarray Reaction Buffer (250 ml of 1X solution), Protein Microarray Rinse Buffer (500 ml of 1X solution, identify serum biomarkers for ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, Parkinson's Disease, pancreatic cancer, and other diseases.

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