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Microarray Cleanroom Wipes Sterile (Package of 100)

Price: $228.00
Item Number: MCWS
Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes Sterile (Package of 100) feature cleanroom quality polyester cleanroom wipes, manufactured in class 10 cleanrooms, sterile, 0.1 x 23 x 23 cm (1 mm x 9” x 9”) size, polyknit composition, heat-sealed edges, bright white fabric, high absorbency, anti-static packaging, use for a wide range of microarray cleanroom and life sciences applications, package of 100 sterile wipes.

Cleanroom Technology - Microarray Cleanroom Wipes with 100% Polyester Composition for a Wide Range of Microarray Cleanroom and Life Sciences Manufacturing Applications

Arrayit offers the market’s finest class 10 cleanroom wipes with high-absorbency 100% polyknit polyester composition, heat-sealed edges, bright white fabric, 0.1 x 23 x 23 cm (1 mm x 9" x 9") size and anti-static packaging for a wide range of microarray cleanroom and life sciences, microarray testing, microelectronics and industrial manufacturing applications.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Quality Control
  • Product Description
  • Technical Note
  • Short Protocol
  • Complete Protocol
  • Recommended Equipment
  • Troubleshooting Tips
  • Technical Support
  • Scientific Publications
  • Ordering Information
  • Warranty

Congratulations on taking a big step towards improving the economies of scale, quality and speed of your microarray cleanroom research. This booklet contains a complete set of illustrations and protocols outlining the steps and principles needed to use Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes (Cat. MCW) and Microarray Cleanroom Wipes Sterile (Cat. MCWS).

Quality Control
Arrayit assures the performance of this product line. The finest scientific research was used to develop of this product line. Rigorous quality control monitoring on a lot-by-lot basis guarantees that these cleanroom wipes conform to the highest cleanroom industry standards.

Product Description
Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes (Cat. MCW and MCWS) provide the highest quality polyknit cleanroom wipes at an affordable price.  All of our cleanroom wipes are manufactured in class 10 cleanrooms to ensure the highest quality. Cleanroom manufacture eliminates contamination of the wipes with particulates, proteases, nucleases and other contaminants that impair the quality of microarray experimentation.

Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes users will appreciate the following features:

  • Manufactured in class 10 cleanrooms
  • Free of particulates, proteases and nucleases
  • Ultra-low emission of volatile organics
  • Convenient 0.1 x 23 x 23 cm (1 mm x 9” x 9”) size
  • Polyknit composition prevents fiber shedding
  • Heat-sealed edges prevent fraying
  • Bright white fabric assists in the identification of spills and residues
  • High absorbency fabric maximizes cleaning effectiveness
  • Use for cleaning microarray substrate slides, pins, cassettes and other microarray implements
  • Use for packaging and protecting premium microarray products
  • Compatible with all microarray cleanroom environments
  • Ideal for life sciences, microarray testing, microelectronics and manufacturing
  • Vast improvement over traditional laboratory and cleanroom wipes
  • Based on years of intensive microarray cleanroom R&D
  • Durable and chemically-resistant composition
  • No tearing with normal use
  • Affordable pricing for research laboratories
  • 150 wipes per package (100 per package for Cat. MCWS)
  • Anti-static packaging eliminates electrostatic contamination
  • Dual packaging allows easy surface de-contamination prior to use
  • Can also be used in traditional, non-cleanroom laboratories
  • Disposable
  • One year shelf life at room temperature
  • Available in non-sterile (Cat. MCW) and sterile (Cat. MCWS) configurations

Technical Note
Federal Cleanroom Standard 209E defines and evaluates cleanrooms based on the number of particles of 0.5 µm diameter or larger present per cubic foot of cleanroom air, and those same standards are used to benchmark Arrayit’s microarray cleanrooms and cleanroom products. Class 1, 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 cleanrooms contain fewer than 1, 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 particles/ft3, respectively. Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes (Cat. MCW and MCWS) are manufactured and packaged in class 10 cleanrooms. The ambient air in a traditional research laboratory contains up to 1,000,000 particles/ft3 depending upon the facility.

Figure 1. Microarray Cleanroom Wipe (Cat. MCW) for microarray pin cleaning. Shown is a 0.1 x 23 x 23 cm (1 mm x 9” x 9”) Microarray Cleanroom Wipe being used to remove residual water from the tip of an Arrayit Stealth Microarray Printing Pin (Cat. SMP3) following sonication. Optimal microarray printing pin care and use requires wipes that are free of organic and particulate contaminants, and Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes meet these requirements. Arrayit wipes can be used for microarray printing pin care in both cleanroom and traditional laboratory settings.

Figure 2. Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipe (Cat. MCW) for spill containment. Shown is a 0.1 x 23 x 23 cm (1 mm x 9” x 9”) wipe being used to soak up a buffer spill on a stainless steel cart in a class 100 microarray cleanroom. Cleanroom use often requires routine cleaning or spill containment, and Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes (Cat. MCW) work well for these purposes. Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes Sterile (Cat. MCWS) are available for specialized applications.

Figure 3. Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes (Cat. MCW) in anti-static packaging. Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes are shipped in silver anti-static packaging to ensure static-free cleanroom wipes for a wide variety of microarray and life sciences cleanroom applications.

Short Protocol (Steps 1-7)
1. Remove Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes (Cat. MCW or MCWS) from shipping box.
2. Decontaminate the anti-static bag topically with 100% ethanol.
3. Decontaminate the anti-static bag with particle-free forced air.
4. Transport the Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes into cleanroom changing area.
5. Remove and discard the silver anti-static packaging.
6. Transport the Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes into the cleanroom.
7. Cut open the plastic package carefully and use wipes as needed.

Complete Protocol (Steps 1-7)
1. Remove Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes (Cat. MCW or MCWS) from shipping box. The outer packaging material is a silver-colored anti-static bag that prevents electrostatic and particle contamination of the wipes. Do not open the anti-static bag until inside the cleanroom changing room. Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes provide an excellent source of lint-free wipes for many non-cleanroom applications including the maintenance of microarray pins and printheads, microarrayers, scanners, microscopes, and other scientific instrumentation and equipment. For non-cleanroom applications, open the anti-static package and remove the inner plastic package that contains the cleanroom wipes. With a scissors, cut the plastic package carefully, making certain not to damage the wipes. Use as needed.

2. Decontaminate the anti-static bag topically with 100% ethanol. Cover your hands with Microarray Cleanroom Gloves, wet a cleanroom wipe liberally with 100% ethanol, and wipe the outside of the silver anti-static package to remove particulates and other forms of debris.  Do not open zip-lock package until inside the cleanroom vestibule or changing room.

3. Decontaminate the anti-static bag with particle-free forced air. For Class 1, 10, 100 and 1,000 cleanrooms, the anti-static package should also be decontaminated with a filtered source of pressurized, oil-free air prior to entering the cleanroom changing room. Forced air removes additional contaminating particles prior to entering the cleanroom facility. Make certain to wear Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Gloves at all times when handling the decontaminated, anti-static packaging material. Failure to wear suitable hand protection will introduce hand oils, ribonucleases, and other contaminants into the cleanroom.

4. Transport the Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes into cleanroom changing area. Make certain to remove shoes, sweaters, and other non-essential clothing prior to entering the cleanroom. Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Gloves or equivalent hand coverings should also be worn at all times when inside a cleanroom. Step into a Microarray Cleanroom Suit, making sure that the appropriate cleansuit size (S, M, L, XL, 2XL or 3XL) has been selected. Close the cleansuit by zipping the front completely, and make certain that the elastic wrist and ankle bands are positioned properly. Face shields and other respiratory devices can also be worn to provide additional containment against contamination.

5. Remove and discard the silver anti-static packaging. Open the zip-lock top of the silver anti-static package, remove the inner plastic package that contains the Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes and set it aside. Discard the anti-static package in a cleanroom waste receptacle located in the cleanroom changing room. Do not transport the outer packaging material into the main cleanroom space.

6. Transport the Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes into the cleanroom. Transport the plastic packaging containing the wipe into the main cleanroom space.

7. Cut open the plastic package carefully and use wipes as needed. Carefully cut open the plastic packaging material using a sharp pair of cleanroom scissors, making certain not to cut the cleanroom wipes. If the cleanroom wipes are cut accidentally, remove them from the cleanroom immediately, as the frayed edges can emit contaminating fibers. Place the opened plastic package on a benchtop or cleanroom shelf and use as needed to clean microarrayers, scanners and microarray pins and printheads. Wipes can also be used to contain minor spills, and for topical cleaning of benches and other cleanroom surfaces. Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes are disposable, and soiled wipes can be discarded in the regular cleanroom waste containers. Do not expose the polyknit material to sources of open flame.

Recommended Equipment
Microarray Cleanroom Suits
Microarray Cleanroom Wipes
Microarray Printing Technology
SpotBot® 4 Personal Microarrayers
Microarray Substrate Slides
High Throughput Wash Stations
Microarray High-Speed Centrifuges
Microarray Hybridization Cassettes

Troubleshooting Tips
Fiber shedding

  • Tearing of polyknit material. Avoid sharp objects and edges, and never cut a wipe with a scissors or any other cutting implement.

Insufficient absorbency

  • Use multiple wipes for spill.
  • Wring wipes during cleaning procedure to restore absorbency.

Technical Support

Please contact us by email for worldwide technical support.


Scientific Publications

Click here and here for Arrayit wipes scientific publications.


Ordering Information



Catalog ID

Microarray Cleanroom Wipes (Package of 150)

Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes (Package of 150) feature cleanroom quality polyester cleanroom wipes, manufactured in class 10 cleanrooms, 0.1 x 23 x 23 cm (1 mm x 9” x 9”) size, polyknit composition, heat-sealed edges, bright white fabric, high absorbency, anti-static packaging, use for a wide range of microarray cleanroom and life sciences applications, package of 150 wipes.


Microarray Cleanroom Wipes Sterile (Package of 100)

Arrayit Microarray Cleanroom Wipes Sterile (Package of 100) feature cleanroom quality polyester cleanroom wipes, manufactured in class 10 cleanrooms, sterile, 0.1 x 23 x 23 cm (1 mm x 9” x 9”) size, polyknit composition, heat-sealed edges, bright white fabric, high absorbency, anti-static packaging, use for a wide range of microarray cleanroom and life sciences applications, package of 100 sterile wipes.




Arrayit life sciences products are sold for research purposes only. Arrayit brand products have been scientifically developed and are sold for research purposes. Extreme care and exact attention should be practiced in the use of the materials described herein. All Arrayit brand products are subject to extensive quality control and are guaranteed to perform as described when used properly. Any performance issues should be reported to Arrayit immediately. Arrayit’s liability is limited to the replacement of the product, or a full refund. Any misuse of this product is the full responsibility of the user, and Arrayit makes no warranty or guarantee under such circumstances. Pricing may vary up to 30% due to costs associated with distribution, import taxes, duties, customs clearance and shipping.

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