Microarray Reaction Trays (Package of 5)
Item Number: MRT
Arrayit Microarray Reaction Trays (Package of 5) provide an affordable, durable and easy to use solution for microarray hybridization, washing, blocking and staining. These injection molded plastic trays come with lids to prevent evaporation and to protect microarrays from contamination. They are compatible with a wide range of buffers containing salts, detergents and light solvents. The material is polystyrene. Tray capacity is 1 to 4 microarray slides per reaction area. Buffer capacity is up to 5 ml per slotted reaction area. Each individual reaction area keep slides from hitting each other during use. Microarray Reaction Trays are compatible with all microscope slide size substrates (1 x 25 x 76 mm). The tray has the same footprint as a standard 96 well plate for compatibility with plate stackers and other automation instruments.
Tools - Microarray Wash Stations - Microarray Reaction Trays for Blocking, Reacting, Washing and Rinsing DNA and Protein Microarrays
Arrayit Microarray Reaction Trays provide an affordable, durable and easy to use solution for microarray hybridization, washing, blocking and staining. These injection molded plastic trays come with lids to prevent evaporation and to protect microarrays from contamination. They are compatible with a wide range of buffers containing salts, detergents and light solvents. The material is polystyrene. Tray capacity is 1 to 4 microarray slides per reaction area. Buffer capacity is up to 5 ml per slotted reaction area. Each individual rection area prevents slides from hitting each other during use. Microarray Reaction Trays are compatible with all microscope slide size substrates. The tray has same footprint as a standard 96 well plate.
Figure 2. Microarray Reaction Tray with lid installed containing 4 Arrayit glass substrate slides. The buffer capacity of each reaction area with slide installed is up to 5 ml with 4 substrate slides (1 x 25 x 76 mm). Trays fit nicely onto the Array Plate Hybridization Station MMHS2 or other plate based mixing and temperature control apparatus for mixing buffer agitation during microarray hybridization, washing, blocking, processing and staining. Tray has same footprint as a standard microplate.
Figure 3. Arrayit Microarray Reaction Trays (Cat. MRT) are sold as five trays per package and each tray contains a base and a lid. The base has a capacity for four standard microarray substrate slides (1 x 25 x 76 mm) and each tray with lid has the same dimensions as a standard microplate (127.5 mm long x 85.2 mm wide x 16.75 mm deep) and the well depth is 8.0 mm for a buffer capacity of up to 5 ml per well. Microarray Reaction Trays can be used in conjunction with the Arrayit Array Plate Hybridization Station MMHS2 for users requiring digital mixing and temperature control during the microarray hybridization, washing, blocking, processing and staining steps.
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