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SuperStreptavidin 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1)

Price: $110.00
Item Number: M96S

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Arrayit SuperStreptavidin 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring highly reactive streptavidin surface chemistry for high signal strength and low background with biotin-containing molecules, 96-wells in an 8 x 12 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of one 96-well streptavidin microplate.

Microarray Slides - 96-Well and 384-Well Glass Bottom Microplates with Amine, Epoxy and Streptavidin Surface Chemistry for DNA, Protein and Whole Cell Microarray Microplate Applications

Arrayit offers the market’s finest 96-well and 384-well glass bottom plates provided as clean glass for customer chemistry or activated with the most widely used microarray surface chemistries including amine, epoxy and streptavidin. Arrayit glass bottom microplates support important life sciences, pharmaceutical and microarray testing applications including genotyping, antibody testing and compound library screening. Manufactured and packaged in a cleanroom environment for superior quality and performance.

Table of Contents

  • Product Description
  • Recommended Equipment and Reagents
  • Technical Support
  • Scientific Publications
  • Ordering Information
  • Warranty

Product Description
Arrayit premium microarray surface chemistries are available in glass bottom 96-well and 384-well microarray microplate formats. Arrayit glass bottom microplates can be used with Arrayit NanoPrint 2 , SpotBot 4 and other microarray robots capable of printing microarrays and macroarrays onto the glass bottoms of 96-well and 384-well microplates.

96-Well Microplate Specifications

  • Glass has 0.21 mm “cover slip” thickness to empower high-performance microarray scanning
  • High quality glass provides low background for superior signal-to-noise ratio
  • Smoothness and planarity ensure accurate scanning and imaging across the focal plane
  • Square wells are ideal for microarray applications to maximize the number of spots in each well
  • Wells are square 7.2 x 7.2 mm
  • Well barriers defining the 96 individual wells are 1.8 mm thick
  • Well center-to-center spacing is 9.0 mm
  • Microplate thickness (height) is 15.0 mm
  • Low profile design allows readability of all 96 wells
  • Microplate dimensions of 15.0 x 85.6 x 127.8 conform to Society for Biomolecular Sciences (SBS) standards

384-Well Microplate Specifications

  • Glass has 0.21 mm “cover slip” thickness to empower high-performance microarray scanning
  • High quality glass provides low background for superior signal-to-noise ratio
  • Smoothness and planarity ensure accurate scanning and imaging across the focal plane
  • Square wells are ideal for microarray applications to maximize the number of spots in each well
  • Wells are square 4.0 x 4.0 mm
  • Well barriers defining the 384 individual wells are 0.58 mm thick
  • Well center-to-center spacing is 4.5 mm
  • Microplate thickness (height) is 15.0 mm
  • Low profile design allows readability of all 384 wells
  • Microplate dimensions of 15.0 x 85.6 x 127.8 conform to Society for Biomolecular Sciences (SBS) standards

Figure 2. Arrayit SuperEpoxy 384-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Cat. M384FE) set the standard for all microarray microplate applications including multiplex ELISA assays, genotyping, gene expression, aCGH and others. Square wells and ultra-thin 0.21 mm glass bottom thickness maximize working volume and permit high-performance fluorescence scanning of printed DNA and protein microarrays.

  • Arrayit SuperClean allows customers to add their own surface chemistry.
  • SuperAmine chemistry allows immobilization of unmodified long oligonucleotides and cDNAs for gene expression microarrays.
  • SuperEpoxy chemistry is ideal for protein microarrays, and can also be used to immobilize cells, tissues, carbohydrates and other biomolecules.
  • SuperStreptavidin chemistry allows the binding of biotinylated DNA, proteins and other biotinylated molecules.
  • Custom surface chemistries are also available. Please email ( for a quote.

Figure 3. Arrayit SuperClean 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Cat. M96FC) set the standard for all microarray microplate applications including multiplex ELISA assays, genotyping, gene expression, aCGH and others. Square wells and ultra-thin 0.21 mm glass bottom thickness maximize working volume and permit high-performance fluorescence scanning of printed DNA and protein microarrays. Arrayit SuperClean microplates allow customers to add their own surface chemistry.

Recommended Equipment and Reagents
NanoPrint™ 2 Microarrayers
SpotBot® 4 Personal Microarrayers
InnoScan® Microarray Scanners
SpotLight™ 2 Microarray Scanners
Microarray Hybridization Cassettes
High Throughput Wash Stations
Microarray High-Speed Centrifuge
BlockIt™ Blocking Buffer
Microarray Air Jet
Microarray Cleanroom Wipes
PCR Purification Kits
Micro-Total RNA Extraction Kit
MiniAmp mRNA Amplification Kit
Indirect Amino Allyl Fluorescent Labeling Kit
Universal Reference mRNA
Green540 and Red640 Reactive Fluorescent Dyes
Hybridization Buffers

Technical Support

Please contact us by email for worldwide technical support.


Scientific Publications

Click here and here for Arrayit microplate scientific publications.


Ordering Information



Catalog ID

SuperClean 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1)

Arrayit SuperClean 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring pristine SuperClean glass for high signal strength and low background when activated with customer chemistry, 96-wells in an 8 x 12 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of one 96-well clean microplate.


SuperClean 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 5)

Arrayit SuperClean 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 5) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring pristine SuperClean glass for high signal strength and low background when activated with customer chemistry, 96-wells in an 8 x 12 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of five 96-well clean microplates.


SuperAmine 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1)

Arrayit SuperAmine 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring highly reactive amine silane chemistry for high signal strength and low background, 96-wells in an 8 x 12 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of one 96-well amine microplate.


SuperAmine 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 5)

Arrayit SuperAmine 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 5) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring highly reactive amine silane chemistry for high signal strength and low background, 96-wells in an 8 x 12 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of five 96-well amine microplates.


SuperEpoxy 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1)

Arrayit SuperEpoxy 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring highly reactive epoxy silane chemistry for high signal strength and low background, 96-wells in an 8 x 12 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of one 96-well epoxy microplate.


SuperEpoxy 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 5)

Arrayit SuperEpoxy 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 5) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring highly reactive epoxy silane chemistry for high signal strength and low background, 96-wells in an 8 x 12 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of five 96-well epoxy microplates.


SuperStreptavidin 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1)

Arrayit SuperStreptavidin 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring highly reactive streptavidin surface chemistry for high signal strength and low background with biotin-containing molecules, 96-wells in an 8 x 12 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of one 96-well streptavidin microplate.


SuperStreptavidin 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 5)

Arrayit SuperStreptavidin 96-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 5) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring highly reactive streptavidin surface chemistry for high signal strength and low background with biotin-containing molecules, 96-wells in an 8 x 12 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of five 96-well streptavidin microplates.


SuperStreptavidin 384-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1)

Arrayit SuperStreptavidin 384-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 1) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring highly reactive streptavidin chemistry for high signal strength and low background, 384-wells in a 16 x 24 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of one 384-well streptavidin microplate.


SuperEpoxy 384-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 5)

Arrayit SuperEpoxy 384-Well Glass Bottom Microplates (Package of 5) empowering DNA and protein microplate microarrays printed with Arrayit contact microarray printers and featuring highly reactive epoxide silane chemistry for high signal strength and low background, 384-wells in a 16 x 24 configuration, standard microplate dimensions (14.6 x 85.6 x 127.8 mm), planar 0.21 mm glass thickness for efficient laser scanning and fluorescence imaging, high quality borosilicate for low intrinsic fluorescence, square wells maximize working volume, package of five 384-well epoxy microplates.




Arrayit life sciences products are sold for research purposes only. Arrayit brand products have been scientifically developed and are sold for research purposes. Extreme care and exact attention should be practiced in the use of the materials described herein. All Arrayit brand products are subject to extensive quality control and are guaranteed to perform as described when used properly. Any performance issues should be reported to Arrayit immediately. Arrayit’s liability is limited to the replacement of the product, or a full refund. Any misuse of this product is the full responsibility of the user, and Arrayit makes no warranty or guarantee under such circumstances. Pricing may vary up to 30% due to costs associated with distribution, import taxes, duties, customs clearance and shipping.

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